Sympathy, Empathy, & Compassion (Fatigue)
The motley crew of the Compassion Research Lab return in a pair of videos to explore and clarify the confusion between sympthy, empathy, and compassion, as well as explore the myths and truths surrounding compassion fatigue. The findings uncovered by Dr. Sinclair and his research lab contradict popular beliefs and exist to educate the public on how we all play a role in cultivating a culture of compassion, in and out of the healthcare setting.
The primary challenge during this project was creating new juxtapositions and visual metaphors for exploring themes of compassion. We wanted to show a broader range of emotions and reactions to onscreen actions than previous videos. I accomplished this by creating a number of character and hand rigs with Limber, preparing 3D scenes with parallax, and using more hand drawn frame-by-frame animation.
Reception for the sympathy, empathy, and compassion video has been particularly strong with almost 20 thousand views in six months.
Learn more about other forms of compassion and how to measure compassion at the Compassion Theater.