Compassion Research Lab
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Advancing the art and science of compassion.
Dr. Sinclair is a nationally funded and internationally recognized researcher on the topic of compassion. His research is directly informed by the clinical arena where he witnessed the transforming power of compassion in the lives of patients and families facing a serious illness. Following the development of the Sinclair Compassion Questionnaire, we wanted to create an access point for the general public as well as future researchers interested in the different facets of compassion and it's role in our lives.
I created a visual system that emphasized how it felt to both give and receive compassion. I juxtaposed relationships and interactions to highlight how compassion is integrated into our everyday lives. As Dr. Sinclair and I continued to explore themes from his research, a veritable zoo popped into existence to best capture these feelings and sense of care. We used this as the foundation with which to captivate the attention of our viewers from all ages. These lovable forest friends have since become a part of the family at the Compassion Research Lab.
Learn more at The Compassion Research Lab.